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What Killed this GIGANTIC Mastodon and When?

The Lone Star Mastodon  is not just a big elephant, he’s actually a huge reminder of our not too distant past.  Estimated to be between 13-14ft at the shoulder, this behemoth took up a lot of space and ate a ton of food. A conventional elephant can put away 300 lbs of vegetation a day. Since Lone Star weighted upwards of 12 tons that’s 24,000 lbs., it means his daily intake must have been almost twice that.

Found in a Texas gravel bed in 2004. Only the head and lower jaw survived, the two massive tusks were missing. What means ended this huge animals life is the mystery we are attempting to unravel. 

From our “forensic eyeglasses”, we begin with establishing what incontrovertible evidences first that help us understand the circumstances of this pachyderms demise?

The Evidence:

#1  Buried in soil that later became a mineable source of gravel.

#2  Skull in a fossilized condition

Let’s explore what a gravel bed is first:
Gravel Bed – Wikipedia states: “Gravel is often produced by quarrying and crushing hard-wearing rocks, such as sandstone, limestone, or basalt.” 2 are sedimentary (water based) or and 1 is volcanic.

Fossilization – These 3 atop aforementioned types of rocks provide one of the perfect conditions for fossilization.

Therefore this beast was encased in silt or volcanic ash, under extreme pressure, trapping its remains so quickly that oxygen could not begin normal tissue process decay. Time passed and voila a fossil. 

But what knocks down a 16,000 lbs mammal and then encases it in dirt so fast, so complete that fossilization conditions can be met?  To me it’s hard to imagine our big tusked friend getting stuck in a watering hole, die and then somehow get covered in the manner required for fossilization to occur. It had to be fast and furious. Catastrophic.

Interpretation: Experts beliefs on cause of death and the age of the fossil.

Evolutionists claim that the last North American mastodon survived till approximately 8,000 B.C.  and was killed off due to hunting. That’s 10,000 years ago.

Creationists believe 2 events could have killed and fossilized Lone Star.
#1 – Caught in the worldwide flood 4,500 years ago.
#2 – After Noah’s flood subsided many lakes and dams holding back the post-flood residual waters, burst and sent a secondary wave of catastrophic water inland and buried many animals, fossilizing them.

Let’s sum this up:

Either way the time-line here is in question. Is it the evolutionists 10,000 years or the creationists 4,500 year age of the fossil?

Evolutionist's state every fossil is between 10,000 to 3.48 billion years old. 

Creationist’s believe most fossils are 4,500 years old resulting from a massive flood which caused the perfect conditions of rapid fossilization to occur.

Which then brings us back to the main question…
“How did our big buddy die? and when?”
Was it 10,000 years or 4,500 years ago?

Bomb Shell Evidence….in 2003, buried in a sand pit 50 ft away, from a fossilized Mammoth, in Clute Texas was found a wooden bowl, carbon dated at…4,200 years!  The significance of this apparently anomalous find challenges the Mammoth and or Mastodon extinctions of 10,000 years ago.

4,200 year old Bowl next to Mammoth vs. Scientists dating of Mammoth no earlier than 10,000 years ago.(This particular fossil WAS determined to be 38,000 Yeats old)  Which is it? Are the creationists correct in their 4,500 year dating?

To understand the further significance of this wooden artifact, go to our VIDEO which explains the Clute bowl in detail. Then ask yourself Apes, Aliens, or Adam?…You decide.

4,200 Year Old Wood Clute Bowl


Now Showing!
The Lone Star Mastodon

at the Lost World Museum
75 State St. Phoenix, NY 13135
And can be viewed 24/7 at the Museum’s
Exterior lit window display only.

Bone Digger Joe Taylor 15 minute Audio Interview CLICK HERE

Download *FREE* Q & A poster of the Lone Star Mastodon CLICK HERE

How to purchase a full scale replica of the Lone Star Mastodon CLICK HERE

John Adolfi
