Creationist Hypothesis – “No life on Mars.”

For more than 30 years one robotic machine after another have landed to explore the rusty martian surface trying to unlock its geological mysteries and solve NASA’s perplexing questions: Can Mars support life? And more importantly: Is there life on the red planet? Recently in the news, NASA announced that salt and other akaline minerals…

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Ben Steins NEW Intelligent Design Documentary

An unusual documentary exposes the private censure of schoolteachers that dare to criticize Evolution. How long could Evolution supporters suppress those who dare to tread on their narrow Darwinist territory? Could it be that the time is come for a public outcry? A movement for equality is making its theatrical rounds before hitting our local…

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What is “Admissible Evidence” for a Hypothesis?

We noticed last time that “science” is unwilling to allow for an intelligent designer, no matter where the facts are leading. I say “unwilling” rather than “unable” because I think the rules that govern the permissibility of evidence in science are questionable or unintentionally biased. But let’s be fair. Scientists are proud of science being…

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Did a Dinosaur Swallow A Man…? April Fools!

On April 1, 1999. An evolutionist group out of New Mexico, published on the Internet a dinosaur fossil appearing to be having a human for lunch. If true this amazing discovery would/could shock the evolutionary world. Because in the evolutionary theory, man and dino are separated by 65 million years. Meaning man and dino did NOT…

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