An unusual documentary exposes the private censure of schoolteachers that dare to criticize Evolution. How long could Evolution supporters suppress those who dare to tread on their narrow Darwinist territory? Could it be that the time is come for a public outcry? A movement for equality is making its theatrical rounds before hitting our local video stores, in Ben Stein EXPELLED No Intelligence Allowed.
Stein is tired of intelligent men and women getting fired or made to leave educational institutions because of their belief in I.D. (Intelligent Design) theory. Stein openly admits that I.D. might be false. But since Evolutionists have not soundly filled in some major gaps in their theory, Stein believes there is room for everyone to place their origin theory cards on the academic table without oppression. “Not so!” states the often vehement doctors of science. Intelligent Design, in their mind, breathes of God, and that is unthinkable.
So why are good, honest hard working Americans getting EXPELLED? Click here and grab hold of our last DVD copy we have in our museum store and find out. It will leave you dumbfounded. And that is a good thing.